6. juni ble nok en gang AHO awards delt ut

To ganger i året deles AHO awards ut. Arkitektbedriftene har tradisjon for å sponse Profesjonalitetsprisen (AiN-prisen). En fagjury vurderer og innstiller de nominerte prosjektene, mens prissponsorene velger sin vinner blant de nominerte. 6. juni ble vårens priser delt ut.

Det var Hege Maria Eriksson, instituttleder for arkitektur på AHO, som delte ut prisen på vegne av Arkitektbedriftene.

To vinnere

Prisen for Professionalism våren 2024 deles mellom Victoria Moe Dalen, med arbeidet: The Atlantic Wall Archive og Inge Rosen Langdalen, med arbeidet: Varanger Immemorial - Between heritage and resources in the high north.

 The Atlantic Wall Archive

Juryens begrunnelse for prisen til Victoria Moe Dalen:

IMG_0174 The object of Victorias study has been the Atlantic Wall bunker structures from World War II,  and her proposal – an archive and research center – is situated in the coastal dune landscape of Blåvand, Denmark. 

As the Atlantic coastal landscape erodes and sea levels rise, parts of the Atlantic Wall structures are demolished. Victoria offers another solution: moving the falling bunker structures into the sea, where they become artificial reefs for marine life. On land, the new archive building keeps historic documents, while activities organized from there follow the process as nature takes back the built history. The student has managed the rare feat of translating professional analytical and relevant research into the design of a unique and beautiful building. The work process is impressive, resulting in skilled drawings. The proposed research center places itself humbly and adapted to the site in a distinctive and vulnerable context, while at the same time it stands out as contemporary and very strong in form. 

Flere bilder av arbeidet til Mo Dalen kan du se her (tung fil)





Varanger Immemorial - Between heritage and resources in the high north

IMG_0175 I juryens begrunnelse for prisen til Inge Rosen Langdalen står det: The other winner is a compelling landscape project that displays an extremely high degree of professionality as an explorative cartographic project, and an exceplary landscape design project in an exposed sub-Arctic territory. Spanning from a global to a regional and eventually a local scale the candidate traces the climate gradients, heritage regulations and resources of the Varanger territory. Inge shows how minor interventions in the landscape can help nature gradually change the local and natural conditions, to limit the effects of climate change causing problems for reindeer herding in Varanger. 

The project develops an intimate relation to territory as geology, hydrologyecology and as a space for human practices. The project displays visual sensitivity, an advanced theoretical orientation and a high digital proficiency.

Flere bilder av arbeidet til Langdalen kan du se her (tung fil)

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