AHO Awards
- Publisert: 16. desember 2022

Fra venstre Tarald Lundevall fra Arkitektbedriftene og prismottager Stanislaw Daniel Rudzki
En mangeårig tradisjon er at Arkitektbedriftene sponser, og er jury for en av prisene på AHO Awards.
Etter samtale med aktuelle kandidater har Arkitektbedriftene i Norge bestemt at prisen for Professionalism høsten 2022 utdeles til: Stanislaw Daniel Rudzki, for prosjektet “The Burete – Flows and Forces at the Autogara Filaret.”
Prisen ble delt ut under et arrangement på AHO 15. desember.
Juryens begreunnelse
The spatial response to emergencies is often improvised. Structures are hastily put together, with no added value for the host community. Money is spent on costly interventions that do not promote neither social nor environmental sustainability. What if instead the architecture, landscape architecture and urban design could be better integrated in contingency planning, with multi-performing structures used for everyday activities, and designed to also withstand cycles of extreme use? The Burete project is a contribution to the contingency planning for increased reception capacity in Romania as part of the Ukraine response. The project author has successfully designed a complex reception system with corresponding architecture and landscape architecture elements that will be activated in case of emergency, and that can be scaled up and down due to shifting needs, with high-quality structures remaining for the host community.